Delaney School
Core ValuesTop of Page
Respect * Communication * Collaboration * Responsibility * Continuous Growth and Learning
Welcome to the Delaney Elementary School!
The Delaney Elementary School houses our preschool through grade 3 classrooms in the Wrentham Public Schools. The Delaney School is located on the same campus as the Roderick Elementary School (grades 4-6). The campus setting provides our students with the unique opportunity to spend their elementary years in one setting.
Our mission is to work with you to help all of our students become reflective, life-long learners. We look forward to getting to know you and your child(ren). The Delaney School staff and I are eager and excited to work with all families and students to provide the best possible learning experience for all students.
Parental support is critical to the success of a school system, and the Wrentham community’s commitment to its schools is evident in the positive school culture that can be seen throughout the buildings and in the consistent successful academic achievement of the students. Our students and staff pride themselves on being responsible, respectful and ready to learn!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at
Miss Kathleen Maloney
Delaney School Principal
Delaney School Office staffTop of Page
Secretary, Toni Rando
Secretary, Jill Goddard
Delaney School RemindersTop of Page
The Delaney School has two offices to help assist students and their families in preschool through grade 3: Delaney Main Office and Janelli Annex Office.
The main office houses the Principal’s office and is the best way for students in preschool, kindergarten, and grade 1 to enter the building. The Janelli Annex office houses the Superintendent’s office and is the best way for students in grades 2 and 3 to enter the building.
All children in preschool through grade 3 who arrive after 8:20 AM or who are being dismissed prior to 2:45 PM must be dismissed from one of the Delaney School Offices by a parent/guardian.
Please contact Mrs. Rando or Mrs. Goddard in the Delaney Main Office with any questions or concerns at 508-384-5430, option 1.
Behavior GuidelinesTop of Page
Follow the Three R's:

Students are expected to show respect for fellow students, teachers and any school personnel.
Children are expected to follow rules and regulations and to respect authority and the rights of others. While this Code of Conduct is designed for students, it is expected that all members of the school community will adhere to the same standards.
School rules governing behavior in classrooms, in the cafeteria, at recess, in the corridors, in the lavatories, at assemblies, on the bus, and on bicycles have been developed by a committee consisting of the administration, teachers and parents. These rules and expectations will be regularly reviewed.
Family and Student HandbookTop of Page
The Family and Student Handbook linked below was developed by a committee of administrators, teachers, and parents to provide you with the information needed for the school year. All of our students are expected to observe the procedures set forth in this handbook. If you have any questions during the school year, please contact your child's teacher. If you have additional questions or need further clarification, contact either of the school principals or the superintendent.
Curriculum nightTop of Page
A Curriculum Night/Open House night is held in all schools by the end of the second full week of school. The Open House for Grades K – 3 is held on a different evening than Grades 4 – 6.
While the Meet and Greet at the start of school is intended as a get-acquainted session, Curriculum Night provides the opportunity for teachers to give an overview of the curriculum, explain classroom rules and procedures, and answer general questions as they pertain to their classroom.
Curriculum Night is designed for parents; it is not appropriate for children to attend.